Sometimes you feel like you want to change something. It doesn't matter whether it's just your hairstyle or your whole attitude towards your life. Recently I've noticed that I've been having a bit of an autumn-depression-kinda-thing. I don't honestly know if such a term even exists but I feel like every autumn I
have to need to change something probably because for me autumn was and is a period of time when I'm having a lack of events and my life is turning into a completely boring routine. So, for a bit of a change I decided to dye my hair black. I don't quite remember my natural hair colour because I've been dyeing my hair for about 4 years but usually the colour range is somewhere around blond and ginger. I've never been a brunette so I thought it would be something unexpected and awesome. And so to say, when my mom and my friends saw me, they couldn't believe their eyes and were just staring at me for a few seconds without saying a word of any approval or disapproval, or anything. At that moment I thought that no matter what they were going to say, I'd stay strong and embrace any negative/positive comments. Actually, all my
gens proches liked my new haircolour
except for my grandmother. The point of my whole post is to show that even if people discourage you to do something you like to (if this 'something' is not a crime, of course, nor something worse than that), just DO NOT take their opinions into much of consideration because it's your life and only you are to decide how to live it. Be brave. Stay positive and keep on changing. As Madonna says "No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you've come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself."
Love, Christina M.
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